Company in Bulgaria
The information about all companies in Bulgaria is free available on the website of the Bulgarian Trade Register – . The website is only in Bulgarian, but with a little help from Google translate or a friend you should be able to find the information on your company in Bulgaria.
- Click “Справки” (references) This is the third link in the left hand menu.
- Here you click on “Справка по физическо или юридическо лице” (reference on physical or legal entity).
- For companies you choose here “юридически лица” (legal entity).
- Now fill in the bulstat number of your company or the company name in Cyrillic (without OOD/EOOD).
- After filling in the code at the top you click “Търси” (search).
Now you’ll see all what is publicly available on your company. The information includes; the incorporation deed and filed financial reports. When nothing appears likely your company has not been registered yet or not been re-registered yet (deadline for re-registration is 31/12/2011).
In case you don’t manage to find what you need just give us a call.
More information about starting a company in Bulgaria you can find here: Starting a business in Bulgaria.