Starting a transport company in Bulgaria

Starting a transport company in Bulgaria

Starting a transport company in Bulgaria

To start a transport company in Bulgaria you will first need to set up a Ltd. in Bulgaria. Besides that a license is required. Here you can find the list of requirements fo the license for a transport company in Bulgaria;

Community license for international shipments is issued to a carrier that meets the requirements of:

1. Reputation; (Reliability requirements are met when the transport managers of the companies were not convicted of offenses under the Criminal Code or not without a verdict from the right to exercise their transportation). Document needed: Certificate of conviction, translated into BG and with legalization.

2. Professional competence; (proved by Certificate for proffessional competence, issued after passed exam in BG or the person is holder of a certificate of professional competence issued by a competent authority of a Member – State of the Union.).Transport activity must be continuously and effectively hold by a person with a certificate of professional competence.

3. Financial stability; (Financial stability is a little bit complex. Some documents provided by means of reference are;

  • the annual financial statements audited by a registered auditor;
  • bank guarantee meeting the requirements;
  • insurance contract that meets the requirements;
  • certificate that the company is without public obligations under Art. 87, para. 6 of the Tax Procedure Code.

4.  The establishment of the Republic of Bulgaria. (The requirement for the establishment of the Republic of Bulgaria is provided by means of a declaration form (BY template).

Competent authority – Minister of the tranportation in BG.
Аpplication form is submitted to the Minister of Transport together with attached;

  • document for actual status of the company
  • documents for financial stability
  • conviction certificate for the persons,who manages the transport activities ( if are issued in other country, translation and legalization is needed)
  • copy of the certificate of professional competence issued to the person who manages the transport activities – present when the certificate is issued by a competent authority of another Member State – State of the Union;
  • declaration of availability of owned or rented garage area with exactly specified address;
  • copy of the contract for the appointment of the person who manages the transport activities;
  • some other declarations by given template.

Term for issuing a decision – within 30 calendar days from the date of application. If there is mistake or something is missing, it is possible to be given written notice, what is missing.
Issued licence is for 5 years. After 5 years will be reissuing, but before its expiring.

Fee for issuing License for the Community (for transportation of passengers or cargo) is 2000 BGN.
For issuing a certified copy of a Community license, fee is 10 BGN per copy. ( the copies depends of the number trucks used for transport activity)
For changes in issued Licence – fee is 100 BGN, and for reissuing the licence after 5 years, fee is 100 BGN also.

Please contact us when you have any further questions.